
De top 100 bands heren allertijden volgens Oor 2000
1 Elvis Presley
2 Little Richard
3 Beatles
4 Bob Marley
5 Nirvana
6 Queen
7 Bob Dylan
8 Rolling Stones
9 James Brown
10 Otis Redding
11 Frank Sinatra
12 Ray Charles
13 Velvet Underground
14 Michael Jackson
15 Marvin Gaye
16 Beach Boys
17 U2
18 Sam Cooke
19 Howlin Wolfe
20 Robert Johnson
21 Neil Young
22 Jerr Lee Lewis
23 REM
24 Prince
25 Hank Williams
26 Bobby Bland
27 David Bowie
28 Stevie Wonder
29 Led Zeppelin
30 The Band
31 CAptain Beefheart
32 Roy Orbison
33 Crosby Stills Nash
34 Van Morrison
35 Bruce Springsteen
36 Radiohead
37 Gram Parsons
38 Chuck Berry
39 The Doors
40 Joy Division
41 Yousou N Dour
42 Buddy Holly
43 Tim Buckley / Jef Buckley
44 The Kinks
45 Leonard Cohen
46 Beastie Boys
47 CCR
48 Byrds
49 Sex Pistols
50 Black Sabbath
51 The Who
52 Public Enemy
53 Muddy Waters
54 Iggy Pop
55 Temptations
56 Smiths
57 Eagles
58 Woody Guthrie
59 John Lee Hooker
60 Al Green
61 Everly Bros
62 Jacques Brel
63 Metallica
64 Pink Floyd
65 Pearl JAm
66 George Michael
68 Baaba Mal
69 Joe Cocker
70 Tricky
71 Smockey Robinson
72 Tom Waits
73 Sly Stone
74 George Jones
75  Randy Newman
76 Nick Cave
77 Jimmy Rodgers
78 The Police
79 Johnny Cash
80 Elvis Costello
81 Townes van Zandt
82 Khaled
83 Genesis
84 Leadbelly
85 Beck
86 Golden Earring
87 Roxy Music
88 Alice Cooper
89 Nick Drake
90 Oasis
91 Doe maar
92 Guns n roses
93 Free
94 Chriss Cornel
95 Herman Brood
96 Ramones
97 Frankie Miller
98 Pogues
99 Talking heads
100 Pixies